negative affection swtor

Increasing companion affection when they don't like your actions.
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - light side VS dark side.
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Affection gained not always getting.
negative affection swtor
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Companion Affection.
Though my one companion at negative affection does critically fail missions more often than those with positive affection, but not more often .
Is there any negative kick back on this story arc? I don't. I've completed the story , with Kira at 10k affection, and can confirm that the rest of the .
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - 10k/10k Affection Companion.
Is there a way to turn your companion evil? I just got Kira on my Jedi Guardian and every time I make an evil choice she gets negative affection.
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Mako advice needed.
negative affection swtor
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Mako-companion help! - Page 2.
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Kira Carsen romance question - Page 2.
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - >> Lock Companion Affection at 10,000.